What is a story or a photographic project? What are the fundamental elements? How is it built? how is it presented? How are is the financial support sought?
The Advanced Photography Program ‘one to one’ is an advanced individual training course, held by Luca Catalano Gonzaga, for photographers who want to express themselves in social photojournalism, in the creation of narrative places and portraits, through a story or a long-term project, covering all the phases for its execution: research, realization and communication.
The course includes:
- – Identification of the theme, research and presentation of a project, with the possibility of involving organizations, media and sponsors.
- – Setting of field work, shooting techniques and relationship with the subjects portrayed.
- – Professional ethics.
- – Guide to professional editing of the material produced, for publications or participation in national / international competitions and grants.
- – Production of captions and cataloging method.
- – Project promotion channels through printed paper, web, festivals and photographic competitions.
The course is totally personalized on the requirements or specific needs of those who prefer “tailor-made” training, through a cycle of private lessons in close contact with the teacher, customized both in terms of content, duration and choice of days.
The course will be set and agreed through a preliminary free meeting (in person, telephone or Skype) with Luca Catalano Gonzaga in which the modalities of the training sessions, the contents, the times and the estimate of the training course will be discussed.
The lessons, lasting 1h (€ 30) will be held through video calls via Skype, where a minimum of 10 lessons are expected. The lessons will be in Italian.
The requested contribution will be versed as donation for the realization of the photographic projects of Witness Image, that narrate the great transformations of our time.
At the end of the year there will also be a collective photographic exhibition of all the participants.
Contact Luca Catalano Gonzaga: mobile: +39 392 5804054; skype: zagor-te-nay2; email: luca@catalanogonzaga.com luca@witnessimage.com
- Luca Catalano Gonzaga has been dealing with photo-journalism internationally for years, particularly in highly peripheral or border areas. His services have received numerous international awards and the photographs have been published by the most important media in the world. catalanogonzaga.com